New Social World: The Great Power of the Network


  • Sergey N. KOMISSAROV Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.
  • Nikolay A. VASILYEV Master of Sociology at the Manchester University, Senior Researcher of the Sociocultural and Media Communications Research Sector of the Institute of Sociology of the Russian Academy of Sciences of the Federal Research Sociological Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.



New social world (NSW), Digital Capitalism, Worldwide Network, Social Networks & Services, Surveillance Capitalism, Sociocultural & Media Communications


At the early beginning of the 21st century, it was impossible to imagine how fast the Internet would develop. It was also not obvious that the worldwide network would actually become available in all parts of the planet, and the network itself would become the basis for the birth and development of new global products - social networks, communications, and services. According to the International Telecommunication Union, the Internet and new digital products along twenty years have almost completely absorbed the population of developed countries (87%) and are growing rapidly in developing countries (47%)[1]. The affordable cost of communication for the majority of the population together with free communication services create the basis for the emergence of not only new products but also a constant increase in the number of digital services, which quite recently could only be obtained offline. Together with large digital government services, commercial networks, communicators, and services are creating a new social structure capable of independent machine learning and development. The work aims to show that much faster than it was supposed new digital products will intertwine with each other, forming a new social platform, which is called a New Social World. The analysis of sociological works on this topic together with an analysis of practical research on the Internet and new digital products confirms this assumption. Despite strict user agreements, global online monitoring, constant online control and full access to the data of each user, more and more people become users of social networks and services, and most social network users become loyal users of other new products and services, easily switching on digital consumption and consumption of real products and services provided online. The new social reality, generated by the powerful interweaving of the world's digital products and services will forever change the sociocultural and media world. An urgent and constant study of this phenomenon is necessary since the ways of its further development are unpredictable both in relation to the existence of traditional, social, national identification and with the existence of traditional state institutions and states.


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Komissarov, Sergey N.; Vasilyev, Nikolay A. (2021). "New Social World: The Great Power of the Network" Journal of Social Sciences: Transformations & Transitions (JOSSTT) 1(02):08. DOI: 


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