ZISWaF Institutional Approach to Activate Idle Agricultural Land as a Catalyst for the Agro-Food Sector in Malaysia





Institutional approach, ZISWaf, Agro-Food, Idle land, Malaysia


In various efforts to strengthen the agro-food sector, development on idle land is one of the keys to achieving it. Neglect of idle land is a waste that needs to be well managed to mobilize all resources properly and produce crop yields to the maximum level. Therefore, this paper will discuss the factors that lead to the occurrence of idle land and finds a solution from a Malaysian perspective. Referring to this problem, it is seen, through the institutional approach, that it is capable of being one of the best alternatives because institutions are a set of rules that affect human economic life. Through an institutional approach, it can apply the ZISWaf management recommended by previous Islamic scholars divided into four schemes to activate idle agricultural land with proper coordination. This paper is using qualitative methods based on data and information from the literature review and then it is analysed based on a deductive approach. As a result, the ZISWaf institutional approach can realize the concept of implementing the agro-food Waqf institution to solve the issue of idle land.




Mohamed, Muhammad I.; Mohd Shafiai, Muhammad H.; Hilmi, Mohd H. (2022). "ZISWaF Institutional Approach to Activate Idle Agricultural Land as a Catalyst for the Agro-Food Sector in Malaysia" Journal of World Economy: Transformations & Transitions (JOWETT) 2(05):20. DOI: https://doi.org/10.52459/jowett25201122


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